Tuesday, November 4, 2008

JobPix.com Creative Brief

Job Pix Brand Model

Current Brand Position:
“Job Pix? Sounds like another job website.”

Future Brand Objective:
“The most reliable online resource devoted exclusively to college students’ summer job search.”

Conceptual Target:
“Pragmatic Skeptic”

These college students know they want a great summer job but often go with the first job that is offered from a family member or good friend. Having a trustworthy job source is key. So going online is always second best. They may search the local job sites like Craig’s List and might look at Monster.com., but they’re wary of wasting time sending their resume to potential employers that never respond, or worse, getting stuck with a lousy job that sounds good, but in reality isn’t what it said it was. These students are information savvy and not easily persuaded. They know when something sounds “too good to be true” and are likely to avoid it. They are practical, levelheaded and realistic but in their hearts they long for opportunities and adventure, especially if it’s going to help them reach their goals.

Core Desire:

The “Pragmatic Skeptics” are too busy to spend a lot of time job hunting. They like the convenience of a website job resource, but they also want some follow up. If something great is offered, they expect it to deliver. Everyone’s looking for a good paying summer job, but they want also a good experience with friendly co-workers. They want flexibility and they want options, lots of options. The older they get the pickier they get.

Role of the Brand:
“To offer college students an easy, reliable resource to help them find their ideal summer job. “

Compelling Truth:
“JobPix.com is the only summer job source designed specifically for college students with thousands of summer job listings, each legit and peer reviewed. Now college students have more options for summer jobs—from local flexible jobs to adventurous exotic ones.”

Selling Idea:
“You’ve got options!!“

Job Pix Creative Brief

Advertising Objectives:
Create awareness for Job Pix services, branding it to own the college market while establishing trust in the minds of students.

They’re college students. More specifically, they are male and female, ages 18-27, who are looking for more than an average summer job. Some want money. Some want adventure. Some want resume building experiences. All of them need a source that will connect them to the job that meets their individual needs. These students are picky and tired of settling for less. When looking for summer jobs, these college students rely first on family and friends for connections. Then they start exploring other options. These individuals lead busy lives, and they want a quick and easy way to find options. When it comes to online job resources, legitimacy and convenience are key.

I need a reliable and convenient job source to help me find my ideal summer job. I’m looking for a job that fits my specific needs.

Introducing Job Pix—the only college-centric summer job resource. With thousands of listings, now you’ve got more reliable options, from practical to adventurous.

-Free online source
-Pictorial quarterly magazine delivered to college campuses
-Provides student feedback, rating and reviews


-Online applications and widgets
-College newspapers and magazines
-Outdoor Advertising
o Bus
o Billboard
-Posters and handouts
-Career Fairs
-Search engine optimization and sponsorships